MediaEval 2025

The MediaEval Multimedia Evaluation benchmark offers challenges in artificial intelligence for multimedia data. Participants address these challenges by creating algorithms for analyzing, exploring and accessing information in the data. Solutions are systematically compared using a common evaluation procedure, making it possible to establish the state of the art and track progress. Our larger aim is to promote reproducible research that makes multimedia a positive force for society.

MediaEval goes beyond other benchmarks and data science challenges in that it also pursues a “Quest for Insight” (Q4I). With Q4I we push beyond only striving to improve evaluation scores to also working to achieve deeper understanding about the challenges. For example, characteristics of the data, strengths and weaknesses of particular types of approaches, and observations about the evaluation procedure.

Currently, MediaEval is calling for task proposals, see the call for proposals.

Watch here for announcements of the tasks that will be offered in MediaEval 2025.

MediaEval 2025 Schedule:
The MediaEval Coordination Committee (2025):